Dining With Dignity
30 million children are dependent on the 2 meals they receive at school. Most of these children don't get a third meal. That’s where we come in. Let's make it a good one.

The Third Meal - A Different Approach to Addressing Hunger in America
Using a simple app, The Third Meal offers these kids and their families a sustainable, dignified, and discreet meal at a great restaurant. We leverage the goodwill, kindness, and generosity of both corporations and our partners through matched donations as well as private donors like you!

Now’s the Perfect Timeto Get Involved
According to the CDC, hunger is associated with lower grades, and the inability to focus. The majority of our kids have improvements in both grades and attendance.
Frequently asked questions
Have questions about The Third Meal? Check out our FAQs for answers to some of the most common inquiries we receive.
If you don't find the answer you're looking for, please don't hesitate to contact us. We're always happy to hear from you!
We’re so glad you asked! To partner with us, just send us a message, and we’ll connect with you on the next steps.
Children in need are identified by Student advocates already vetted and working inside the school system, primarily but not limited to Title One schools. The children’s identifies are known only to the proper school officials already working to benefit the children in their programs. Our administrators, restaurant partners, and donors do not know the individual children so that their privacy can be respected and the end purpose – for them to “Dine with Dignity” – may be achieved safely, effectively, and consistently.
We’re so glad you asked! If you’re in Reno Nevada, Denver, Colorado or Portland, Oregon, the program is already up and running. If you’d like to join us as a restaurant partner in any of these cities, just send us a message! We’ll contact you with the next steps. We have everything in place to allow you to receive funds and issue gift cards to kids who need a third meal. The only thing we ask is that you help us by matching our donation, all or part.
Many companies have a Matching Gift Program, providing access to a charitable giving platform option alongside other company benefits, increasing employee engagement and helping employees better understand how charitable giving fits into their overall financial picture. Inquire at your organization to see if they have a matching donation program and simply use the existing portal to register as a qualified 501c3 recipient, EIN 85-3987492. Contact us if you need assistance with your MGP.
When you click on “Buy a Kid a Meal” you will be able to choose between giving an unrestricted donation, which serves to feed a kid a meal and support our programs, or a restricted donation, which will send 100% of your donation directly to a kid in need.
Yes! We’ve expanded our program to multiple cities (Reno, Denver & Portland) and are in the process of contacting and adding additional restaurants. On our updated platform, you will have the option to specify. When you make a donation, there will be an option for the city in a dropdown list as well as selecting the particular restaurant, otherwise it will go to support the general program and be distributed evenly.
For now, just send us a message, if you’d like to specify where you want your money to go.
The Third Meal is a 501c3 non-profit and donations are eligible for tax exemption, EIN 85-3987492. We partner with corporations, donors, food suppliers, and social workers to link them with children who need meals. We make it possible for children to not only eat, but be able to enjoy an experience millions of people take for granted – to go into a restaurant and order off the menu just like anyone else, without the stigma so often associated with ‘being in need’.
The Third Meal is currently in the development phase of this digital platform that will allow more and more children to enjoy meals with our partners in the food industry.. We’ve already been serving children in our pilot program and are now able to facilitate donors and partners seamlessly through this user-friendly website. Children and their families can now have their own The Third Meal account where they can access Gift Cards and dine with dignity in our partner restaurants.