Since November, The Third Meal has been providing aid to Janus Youth Programs, a Portland and Vancouver organization that gives relief to un-housed teens and single moms. Two residences, Bridge House in SE Portland, and Oak Bridge in Vancouver have been receiving gift cards for two restaurant chains, Chipotle and Straight From New York Pizza so that they can ‘dine with dignity’, as well as receiving groceries and gift cards from Walmart and Fred Meyers. Over 30 people are having ‘feasts’ at least once a month in their ‘re-entry’ residences while nearly 500 “drop-in” teens are able to access gift cards to the partner restaurants at Janus programs like “The Perch”.
The Third Meal continues to expand its ability to link donors with child advocates and food providers to feed as many people as we possibly can, every day that we can. We’re now serving over 500 children, teens, single mothers and care givers in five states.